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tv   KRON 4 News at 8  KRON  July 7, 2013 8:00pm-9:01pm PDT

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♪ nestlé -- good food, good life.
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living on cloud nine with that u-verse wireless receiver. you see in my day, when my mom was repainting the house, you couldn't just set up a tv in the basement. i mean, come on! nope. we could only watch tv in the rooms that had a tv outlet. yeah if we wanted to watch tv someplace else, we'd have to go to my aunt sally's. have you ever sat on a plastic covered couch? [ kids cheering ] you're missing a good game over here. those kids wouldn't have lasted one day in our shoes.
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[ male announcer ] add a wireless receiver. call to get u-verse tv for just $19 a month with qualifying bundles. rethink possible.
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i love avocado so much i started a facebook page... oh you should post a picture of my new earrings... those would go perfectly with this sweater i'm knitting. [ chain saw revs ] i'm sorry, did you say something? i was just tending to my avocado tree. ooops, i forgot to lock my [ beeping ] have you met my first-born son? avocado? [ coos ] [ male announcer ] show your avocado love. add this superfood boost to the turkey & spinach or try it on the subway club. it's avocado season at subway. subway. eat fresh®.
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>> this is the pilots' first time flying into s f o that is significant. we will find out more. federal safety officials saying that pilots were coming in to slow. the were all trace the also coming in to slope and it possibly cost one of the engines to stall. scott rates is live in millbrae >> reporter: . scottreporter i can tell you that you see the boeing
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777 this is from bayview park. this is the staging area for the ntsb. it looks like a mobile command unit. and a servile vehicles as well they are piecing together to try to figure out what caused this crash. the other point of interest is right. the tail end of this aircraft and we are checking all this area as well. there is a lot of work with the ntsb to do. we can only imagine that the runway will be shut down for the next three or four days. i can tell you that planes have been coming and going.
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it will help alleviate some of the traffic that has been backed up. we will continue to monitor these situations. >> tonight we are joined by an aviation expert. he has flown in and out of san s f o thousands of times and was also a jet fighter pilot. we just heard breaking news that this pilot had only flown into this was his first time. is this realistic? >> i doubt that it was his first time. it could possibly be his first time as a captain of the 777. and >> we also heard that he had 43 hours. and thousands of hours as a pilot but only 43 hours as a boeing 77 pilot.
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>> as a boeing, 777 pilot. >> it is like driving a car and if you have a ford, or persons driving a chevy i do not know if that is really a factor also, there was a co- pilots on this point, 777. >> i think that everybody is wondering is that there are on visual approach it was a clear day. there were some indicators on the runway but what we have heard from everybody is that this could have been such as a normal and routine landing as possible. i guess we really want to know from you is what you think? >> i think it is much too early in the investigation
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to come up with a conclusion there are a number of possible scenarios that could have happened, yesterday. there could of been an instrumentation malfunction. and perhaps even the malfunction of the pilot. he could have been incapacitated but the pilot with this type of experience and this type of airplane. and other airliners it is very unusual for something like this to have >> the head of the ant state at the head of the ntsb -- sang that it was significantly lower than the recommended speak to the send at speed at 17 knots.. have flown with many pilots when you have a
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reference speed or target speed. and also, adding five knots could be between 137 if fast is your target speed or 142. there is nothing to be said to be other side of the cockpit but if he is under the 137, underneath the target's speed the other pilot is going to speak up. and i have gotten underneath that target speed something would be said. target,- two knots. my response would be, correcting. and i have heard so many different numbers that the ntsb has not told us what that speech was.
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however, what we understand what that -- speech was was significant. >> how the -- speed was significant. >> how to explain where the disconnect is? if the pilot was not aware or the co- pilot was also not aware of the significant lower speed ? >> we do not know yet. and it is too early to tell. but some of these possibilities as i say would be a malfunction. indeed, it is much lower speak to that as
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a possibility. the other would be a malfunction. the pilot could be incapacitated. and it just happened to quick. these are just surmising, guessing. it is not fair to the pilots. >> it sounds like there was some instrumentation possibly could have not been working. we have not heard anything. >> we hope to have you back at 8:30 to answer these questions. as to what caused this terrible tragedy >> thank you. >> thank you. >> this is a live look at flight to 14. at flight number -- to 14. and on flight #-- #214. when we
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come back, passengers impacted by this incident are going to the second day of waiting out at the airport. charles clifford is out at the airport. >> reporter: things are getting better it has improved since yesterday. right now, s f o has three improved since yesterday. right now, s f o has three of t [ male announcer ] on vacation, you want more of the things you love. ♪ hello, bacon. get more with breakfast and a two-room suite for rates as low as $115 per night at an embassy suites. book now at but when it comes to what your family really loves, you shouldn't have to sacrifice. and that goes double for ice cream. now you don't have to give up. you can give in with dreyer's slow churned light ice cream. we churn it slowly for all the rich and creamy taste with just half the fat.
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dreyer's slow churned light ice cream. ♪ nestlé -- good food, good life. hours. >> i have already lost my cool it is frustrating. >> i guessed because my cool it is frustrating. >> i guessed because my cat farmers we make you smarter about insurance, because what you dont know can hurt you. what if you didn't know that it's smart to replace washing-machine hoses every five years? what if you didn't know that you might need extra coverage for more expensive items? and what if you didn't know that teen drivers are four times more likely to get into an accident? 'sup the more you know, the better you can plan for what's ahead. talk to farmers and get smarter about your insurance. ♪ we are farmers bum - pa - dum, bum - bum - bum -bum ♪
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>> will come back. 60s and '70s. and looks like that we are going to be warmer. with low clouds this is a live 2- welcome back antioch, fairfield, '60s and '70s to start and 90's inland. fog in the morning,
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sunshine your kron 4 7 day around the bay >> this is a live look at s f o we have a special section. with over two hours of content. stay with us, we will be right back. . look at them kids... they have no idea what it was like before u-verse high speed internet.
8:30 pm
yeah, you couldn't just stream movies to a device like that. one time, i had to wait half a day to watch a movie. you watched movies?! i was lucky if i could watch a show. show?! man, i was happy to see a sneezing panda clip! trevor, have you eaten today? you sound a little grumpy. [ laughter ] [ male announcer ] connect all your wi-fi-enabled devices with u-verse high speed internet. rethink possible.
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[ roars ] ♪ ♪ [ roars ] ♪ [ roars ] ♪ [ male announcer ] universal studios summer of survival. ♪
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stunning video captured.of the final seconds of asiana flight 2-14 right before the boeing triple-7 crash landed international airport >> reporter: to people look at them kids... scream? they have no idea what it was like before u-verse high speed internet. yeah, you couldn't just stream movies to a device like that.
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one time, i had to wait half a day to watch a movie. you watched movies?! i was lucky if i could watch a show. show?! man, i was happy to see a sneezing panda clip! trevor, have you eaten today? you sound a little grumpy. [ laughter ] [ male announcer ] connect all your wi-fi-enabled devices with u-verse high speed internet. rethink possible.
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(male announcer) live from the kron 4 news station, this is the kron 4 news. pam moore oh my gosh! >> o it is an accident >> oh my gosh! >> absolutely amazing video captured of the boeing trouble seven crash landed at sfo. of the triple seven boeing, newsroom.c-n-n is reporting the pilot of the asiana flight had only 43 hours of flight time in a triple-7 boeing plane.
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>> good evening, i'm vicki liviakis. j.r. stone, gives us the amazing video. >> reporter: first, they say that they made nine trips to other cities. but let me show you what exactly happened and we will take it slow. you can see the plane coming close to the sea wall and very close to the wrong way. as that plane approaches let me phrase it right to the point where there is a crash. you can see the cockpit and hill is very low. it shows you what happened. a short time later, the telecom's offer. and it just stops you can see all of the debris that is making its way. and let
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it going. and it keeps on going down the runway. you can see the wing is up in the air. the back of the plane is-the tail. it is still going. it at this point does not flat. >> this continues to slide across the infield at this point you can see the dirt and the debris going in the air it will eventually come to a stop. >> this news conference the did not realize that anything was going on until seven seconds before the impact. then they spoke about increasing the speed and even aborting the landing and to go around a
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1.5 seconds before the crash. the ntsb plans on interviewing pilots. >> we are bringing our aviation expert and. you were a former fighter pilot and you heard the ntsb talked about how slow they were going. she would not exactly address but this seems to be key. >> it is key. with it decreased air speed below the targets be your most probably going to be an increased sync rate it is too early to really determine the exact cause. they have narrowed it down to a possible speed. >> this is something they have all of the instruments in the world but is this something that you can detect? you have been in the
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cockpit. is it evident to you. >> with the voice and data recorder. what we hear about this? >> you know, their speed is based from inside of the cockpit from the air speed indicators. it is like flying a big building. you tell you are moving. however, when you are in a big building. with several floors up is a bit more difficult to tell how fast you are going. you are dependent on the instrumentation. the instruments, are able to fill. a mechanical device can -- fata fail. we do not know if the pilot also could fail. >> in essence, it is a speedometer. and you are not able to estimate how fast
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you are going if the speedometer is not working? >> correct. >> if you are going with the same speed and flow of the highway. or perhaps you might be thinking that you are on the flow. and also. it >> passengers were also thinking that there were close to the water. isn't that something that the pilot would be also gittin? >> that is your built-in safety visual cues to look out the window. you should be able to gauge that. but we still do not know the details. >> it has been brought up that the glide scope indicator does that play a significant role and the potential crash? >> it is a cross check it is
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the landing system that was reported out. and it should not play a significant factor to lead to an accident like this. >> thathe ntsb will be at s f o for at least one week. >> we also have breaking news out of marin. terisa estacio. >> reporter: they just open to the 101 southbound. it had been closed for about 2.5 hours. and i will just briefly talk that they are still looking for a suspect.
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this person, was known by police that there was a confrontation between the suspect and law enforcement are from 5:30 p.m. according to law enforcement they asked this man to get out of the car. he refused. and when the police officer in sheriff deputies fired at the vehicle the man however, drove off. he was able to get out of the car, and run into the hillside. right now, they are still looking for this person. they told me that they knew this person but did not know what was going on. this person has been in trouble with global for but we have more details to find out about the situation. >> that is terisa estacio
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reporting with police activity in marin county. and let us get a live shot from scott rates who is just on the clip of s f o what is left of flight 214. after its deadly crash landing we will be right back.
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>> as we continue to follow this plane crash we have pictures from the ntsb. this is the first time that we're getting an inside look. some of these pictures, you can see some of the oxygen masks that have dropped. just looking into this and what happened to keep in mind that he's received the official or sitting. as we look at some of these images, keep in mind that
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the captain and the co-pilot will be questioned. and not just by the ntsb but also by airline officials. it will be a joint interview. hopefully, will get more information. and the next days, hours, you can see that this is sphere a developing situation. >> we are going to take you back out like to s f o and scott rates for this life fifth off philip family of seen a host of cars. fifth for many of them are going back to the staging area off. there have been five suvs that have left. and you
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can see that these flights are coming on as the sun is setting. again, this is a bit more difficult to see you do not see that much activity. for in this infield area. we will keep monitoring this situation. and if anything changes, we will keep you updated. look at 'em.
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living on cloud nine with that u-verse wireless receiver. you see in my day, when my mom was repainting the house, you couldn't just set up a tv in the basement. i mean, come on! nope. we could only watch tv in the rooms that had a tv outlet. yeah if we wanted to watch tv someplace else, we'd have to go to my aunt sally's. have you ever sat on a plastic covered couch? [ kids cheering ] you're missing a good game over here. those kids wouldn't have lasted one day in our shoes. [ male announcer ] add a wireless receiver.
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call to get u-verse tv for just $19 a month with qualifying bundles. rethink possible. >> after a really hot week we got some relief thinks and part to the fog think- and part to the fog. thanks, to the fog and i also think the low clouds and the
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sunshine however, will warm us up. and here is the fog tracker. by midnight, we have the fog pressing into the inland valleys. and also into the bay. i do not think that it is going to be as extensive as it was last night. we will see the fog into the south-bay and the inland areas. notice, by 9:00 p.m., all of these clouds and we will even sees some clearing as we get towards the afternoon. temperatures will be a bit warmer. with low 90s in some spots. 93 in antioch. and a san jose, upper 60s and san francisco. oakland, 74 your kron 4 7 day around the bay a warmer day on tuesday. the absence of fog and more cloudiness on wednesday, thursday, with temperatures
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are going to be decreasing as we get closer to the weekend, a bit warmer with sunshine. go to our new channel. comcast 193 for the latest news, weather and traffic updates and on digital 4.2. >>this just in to the kron 4 news room there has been another plane crashed in alaska. the ntsb is sending investigators to that area as we speak. what a day for the ntsb. >> this happened upon takeoff. >> in the meantime. a frightening sight of one man was able to capture the deadly flight tragedy we
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will be right back. . i'm totally in love with the avocado on this sub. i love avocado so much i started a facebook page... oh you should post a picture of my new earrings... those would go perfectly with this sweater i'm knitting. [ chain saw revs ] i'm sorry, did you say something? i was just tending to my avocado tree. ooops, i forgot to lock my [ beeping ] have you met my first-born son? avocado? [ coos ] [ male announcer ] show your avocado love. add this superfood boost to the turkey & spinach or try it on the subway club. it's avocado season at subway. subway. eat fresh®.
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>> look at that! it is an accident! >> oh my gosh! >> oh my gosh! absolutely reverting video. riveting video of the asiana flight 214 crash at san francisco international. along with stunning new information about the moments leading up to it. seven seconds before impact -- a call to increase engine power. four seconds before impact -- signs the aircraft was then -- 1-point-5 seconds before impact -- there is a call requesting a 'go- around' meaning abort the landing.
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we are also hearing that the pilot had only 43 hours locked onto a triple seven. he had 43 hours -- logged and also, this was his very first trip into sfo. and really, the ntsb is looking into a flight recorder. and the black box. and they're going to interview the pilot, and the co-pilot. stay with kron 4 as we continue the coverage. for the latest investigation. and we will have an on-line coverage while we are not on the air. a slide show with some of the best images and more we will be back at
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11:00 p.m. to give you further updates on this story. in the meantime, brian certainly, the weather was not a factor, yesterday and for things looking? >> we will remain in this pattern with benign >> we will remain in this pattern with benign conditions this coming week. this coming week. hidden valley lewill nllever bee same. with new sandwich spreads in flavors like spicypi chipohitle pepper craveable sandwiches. 80s and low 90's inland. >> thank you for joining us will see you 11:00 p.m.. (music)
8:58 pm
look at them kids... they have no idea what it was like before u-verse high speed internet. yeah, you couldn't just stream movies to a device like that. one time, i had to wait half a day to watch a movie. you watched movies?! i was lucky if i could watch a show. show?! man, i was happy to see a sneezing panda clip! trevor, have you eaten today? you sound a little grumpy. [ laughter ] [ male announcer ] connect all your wi-fi-enabled devices with u-verse high speed internet. rethink possible.
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with u-verse high speed internet. i asked my husband to pay our bill, and he you have the it card and it's your firstir time immissing a payment, so there's no late fee. really?? yep! so iso your ouhusbad off the hook? no. he went out for milk las l week and came back with a puppy. hold it. hold it. hold it. at discoisver, we treat you le you'd u'treat you. get the it card with late payment forgiveness.
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michael jackson and the fbi investigation. >> allegations of hush money paid to keep abuse victims from going public. >> i ask all of you to wait and hear the truth before you label or condemn me. >> for the first time is there proof of a molestation cover-up. >> don't treat me like a criminal. i'm innocent. >> did jackson pay out $35 million to keep the victims quiet? the disturbing new report. and behind the box office success in "the heat," melissa mar kat mccarthy. and why does america love her? >> and once 400 pounds and how are they


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